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HomePropertiesResidentialScotland Mid Ascog Cottage Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Argyll and Bute

Scotland Mid Ascog Cottage Rothesay, Isle of Bute, Argyll and Bute


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SKU: POA11196 Property Type: Location:


Mid Ascog Cottage is a traditionally built two bedroom split-level detached cottage occupying a beautiful remote position on the Isle of Bute. The accommodation comprises entrance vestibule, hallway, kitchen, lounge, two bedrooms, and main bathroom.

Mid Ascog Cottage is currently on mains water supplied to the cottage via a pumphouse on Mid Ascog Farm. In the short term the Purchaser will be responsible for making payment to Mid Ascog Farm for metered water and the electricity. The contract of sale will obligate the Purchaser to install their own pumphouse serving only Mid Ascog Cottage along a route to be agreed with the Seller and Scottish Water.

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